Hi Avraham,

IIUC, when you install / compile RcppArmadillo, it sets the BLAS,
LAPACK linker arguments based on the results of

    R CMD config BLAS_LIBS
    R CMD config LAPACK_LIBS

So if you've compiled R using OpenBLAS, RcppArmadillo should also be
using OpenBLAS. You can check R CMD config BLAS_LIBS, as well as the
actual compilation steps invoked when installing RcppArmadillo from
source, to see how exactly it is linking to BLAS / LAPACK.

But (I think) Rblas.dll is still just the packaged version of BLAS
distributed with R; I don't think it even gets generated if you
specify a system BLAS library explicitly. But (assuming you're on
Windows) I'm not sure if R does something Windows-specific here.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Avraham Adler <avraham.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I have compiled my installation of R linking to OpenBLAS so that
> Rblas.dll is fast and not reference, if I install RcppArmadillo from source,
> will it take advantage of that Fast Blas?
> Thank you,
> Avraham
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