In addition to what Kevin said, perhaps you are looking for macros from this 

Le 14 févr. 2014 à 00:34, Søren Højsgaard <> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> Function foo_num below takes a numeric vector and returns a list with the 
> first element of the vector. (Not very interesting function). I want to 
> create a templated version of this in function do_foo below, but whether "a" 
> should be a double, an integer, or a string depends on the RTYPE. 
> My question is (and it is embarrasing to ask because I believe Romain has 
> already answered it; just can't find the answer) how to derive the what type 
> "a" should have once we know RTYPE??
> My second question is: Isn't there an easier general way to write the 
> dispatch function (I have in mind situations where the templated function 
> takes *more* than one argument!)? I have in mind something like:
>  int type = TYPEOF(XX_) ;
>  return do_foo<type> ( XX_ ) ;
> but that fails because INTSXP, REALSXP etc seems to be defined as const's 
> (thats my reading of the compiler message).

What goes into template parameters is compile time constant. And the type of an 
R object is dynamic, there is no way to know before runtime, so the compiler 
can not do this for you. 

> Thanks 
> Søren
> #include <Rcpp.h>
> using namespace Rcpp;
> //[[Rcpp::export]]
> List foo_num(NumericVector x){
>  double a=x[0];
>  return List::create( a );
> }
> template <int RTYPE>
> List do_foo( Vector<RTYPE> x ){
>  double a=x[0]; // WHAT TO DO HERE???
>  return List::create( a );  
> }
> SEXP foo_any( SEXP& XX_){
>  int type = TYPEOF(XX_) ;
>  switch( type ){
>  case INTSXP  : return do_foo<INTSXP> ( XX_ ) ;
>  case REALSXP : return do_foo<REALSXP>( XX_ ) ;
>  case STRSXP  : return do_foo<STRSXP> ( XX_ ) ;
>  }
>  return R_NilValue ;
> }
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