
You pretty much have to do this manually. rev is part of Rcpp sugar. Defined 

It does not preserve names. That’s by design. It would have been very difficult 
to do it automatically, i.e. what happens here: rev( x * y ), etc … it is hard 
to decide which names to propagate, harder to try to follow R rules about it, 
and even harder to implement. 

So if you want names, you have to handle them yourself. 


Le 6 juin 2014 à 12:58, Sven E. Templer <sven.temp...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> consider this code:
> require(Rcpp)
> require(inline)
> t <- cxxfunction(sig=c(xx="character"), plugin="Rcpp", body='
> CharacterVector x(xx);
> IntegerVector t = table(x);
> return t;')
> r <- cxxfunction(sig=c(xx="character"), plugin="Rcpp", body='
> CharacterVector x(xx);
> IntegerVector t = table(x);
> IntegerVector r = rev(t);
> return r;')
> o <- cxxfunction(sig=c(xx="character"), plugin="Rcpp", body='
> CharacterVector x(xx);
> IntegerVector t = table(x);
> CharacterVector n = t.names();
> IntegerVector r = rev(t);
> r.names() = rev(n);
> return r;')
> t(c('a','a','b',NA))
> r(c('a','a','b',NA))
> o(c('a','a','b',NA))
> Reversed vectors loose their name ( t() vs r() ) and have to be copied
> and reversed 'manually' ( as in o() ). Is rev() a function declared by
> Rcpp, if so can names be reserved while reverting or is there any
> other easier solution than in o() ?
> Thank you!
> Sven
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