On 2/26/2015 16:37, Pierre GLOAGUEN wrote:
Thanks, it works!
I'm not familiar with C++, is it necessary to always use such a function in C++ or is it because of R/C++ interface?
Hi Pierre!

You're witnessing yet another fascinating difference between (usual in the world of C++) value semantics and (not that usual in the world of C++) reference semantics: Compare the difference in behavior of `vector_reference` (using `Rcpp::NumericVector`) and `vector_value` (using `std::vector<double>`) in the code attached below.

To make things clear: no, in C++ you're not (not by default and not in the standard world) supposed to care about (nor use) a function such as `clone` -- this is idiomatic in programming languages with reference semantics, like Java: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clone_%28Java_method%29

If this makes you feel better: If you're coming from C++ your expectations are perfectly reasonable and this is how any well-designed (as in: not violating the POLS) C++ library (including the C++ standard library) will behave by default. Which incidentally brings me to the advice I usually give in these situations: unless you're absolutely dependent on the "features" of `Rcpp::NumericVector` just forget about it and replace all uses with the standard container `std::vector<double>`. // Arguably, NumericVector's POLS violation -- as illustrated by the numerous posts raising similar questions -- perhaps isn't necessarily the optimal design choice?

Everything will behave just as you expect and as well-documented in the usual places -- e.g., http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector In contrast, `help.search("Rcpp::NumericVector")` happily announces "No results found" at the moment -- and, as mentioned in another reply, you're apparently expected to Google around to find methods for solving problems you wouldn't even encounter otherwise. As fun as it can be to learn-via-a-search-engine, if you don't find the curiosities like the aforementioned reference-vs-value-semantics differences _all_ _that_ fascinating, I think you may find yourself more productive and better served by sticking to the standard containers :-)


#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector vector_reference(Rcpp::NumericVector input)
    Rcpp::NumericVector output(input);
    if (output.size() >= 1) output[0] = 123;
    return output;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
std::vector<double> vector_value(const std::vector<double> & input)
    std::vector<double> output(input);
    if (output.size() >= 1) output[0] = 123;
    return output;

/*** R
v = rep(1, 6)

v = rep(1, 6)


#> v = rep(1, 6)
#> vector_reference(v)
#[1] 123   1   1   1   1   1
#> show(v)
#[1] 123   1   1   1   1   1

#> v = rep(1, 6)
#> vector_value(v)
#[1] 123   1   1   1   1   1
#> show(v)
#[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1


Thanks again for your help,


Le 26/02/2015 16:30, Jeffrey Pollock a écrit :
Perhaps use the clone() function?


NumericVector par_CMAtR(NumericVector vec_CMA) {
    NumericVector out = clone(vec_CMA);
    out[5] = exp(out[5]);
    return out;

vec_C <- rep(1, 6)

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Pierre GLOAGUEN <pierre.gloag...@ifremer.fr <mailto:pierre.gloag...@ifremer.fr>> wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    I have a very simple example
    I have a vector vec_CMA which length is a multiple of 6.
    I want to get the exact same vector, except the last element
    which is the exponential of the last element of vec_CMA
    The code is the following

    #include <Rcpp.h>
    using namespace Rcpp;

    // [[Rcpp::export]]
    NumericVector par_CMAtR(NumericVector vec_CMA){
      int K = (vec_CMA.size())/6;
      NumericVector out(6*K);
      out = vec_CMA;
      out[6*K-1] = exp(vec_CMA[6*K-1]);
      return out;

    I apply the function with the R code
    vec_C <- rep(1,6)
    [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2.718282


    works fine. Except the vec_C is modified too!
    [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2.718282

    It's the first time I have this kind of problem. What is wrong in
    my code?
    Thanks for your help,

    Pierre Gloaguen

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