RcppArmadillo 0.7.960.1.0 has been ready for a few days and sitting at CRAN,
due to a seemingly unlucky combination of travel, weekend,, systems outage
and what not.  But it has been five full days now , and nobody has told me
what if anything is non-standard with the package so ... I give up now.

So it is as of now also in the drat repo for the RcppCore org, so just see
the README.md at
which has the following example which is applicable:

    # first add the repo
    # either install just one or more given packages
    # or update already installed packages

You can also add the repo URL by hand to options("repos"), or supply it to
install.packages(), or ...  I happen to like drat.

The files NEWS.Rd and ChangeLog have the goods, I make a fuller announcement
if and when it makes it to CRAN.

This release features a lot of excellent Google Summer of Code work by
Binxiang Ni.  Again, more about that if and when we get to make a true
release announcement.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org
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