On 17 April 2018 at 15:09, Serguei Sokol wrote:
| Hi,
| I would like to re-discuss the subject of automatic coercion of
| NULL to some vector in function parameter list. This old topic was
| already raised e.g. here
| To resume, actually a function defined as (ivec is from RcppArmadillo package)
| sourceCpp(code="
|      // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
|      #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
|      using namespace arma;
|      // [[Rcpp::export]]
|      ivec f(ivec x) {return x+1;}
| ")
| and called as f(c()) will produce an error:
| Error in f(c()) :
|    Not compatible with requested type: [type=NULL; target=integer].
| What I propose is (for this example) to mimic a call f(integer(0)) which 
|  > f(integer(0))
|       [,1]
| The following one-line patch would do the job:
| diff --git a/inst/include/Rcpp/r_cast.h b/inst/include/Rcpp/r_cast.h
| index e59fa799..c0ec0817 100644
| --- a/inst/include/Rcpp/r_cast.h
| +++ b/inst/include/Rcpp/r_cast.h
| @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ namespace Rcpp {
|               case LGLSXP:
|               case CPLXSXP:
|               case INTSXP:
| +            case NILSXP:
|                   return Rf_coerceVector(x, RTYPE);
|               default:
|                   const char* fmt = "Not compatible with requested type: "
| It will automatically coerce NULL to a declared vector type.
| It's a more primitive solution than Nullable<T> but in many cases
| it can be largely sufficient and make code look shorter and clearer.
| Will it break something in established usage habits? Is it compatible with 
your plans for Rcpp?
| I can prepare a PR if you decide to include it.

We could test that.  It may not do harm -- so I just turned on a rev.dep
check for it.

Can you open an issue for it on GH though?  Better visibility and easier 'per
concrete topic' discussion.


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