On 15.09.2018 00:05, Simon Woodward wrote:
> My simulation model will be 1000+ lines of C++, this is a prototype, I 
> embedded the code inline to make it easier to post as a reprex to this forum.

A C++ file with a special /*** R ... */ comment would still be a minimal
example. Just look at the code RStudio produces by default when you
create a new C++ file. When you use Rcpp::sourceCpp() on that file, not
only the code is compiled and linked, but the R code within this special
comment is executed. RStudio does that by default when you source the
file, e.g. via C-S-Return.

> - do I need to worry about destructing my global variable my_spring (the 
> instance of my class)? If so, how do I do this? 

Global variables get destructed when the program ends. I would get rid
the global variable, making it local to the translation unit. One way to
achieve that would be an anonymous namespace.

> - for read/write efficiency, can/should I make a persistent link 
> (Rccp::XPtr?) between the my_spring.variable property and an object or 
> function in R? If so, how do I do this? Or is it better simply to copy-pass 
> the data when needed and let Rccp handle the conversion from 
> std::unordered_map<string,double> to an R named vector?

I am not sure what you are trying to do here. But as a general rule: try
to write correct and working code first and do any performance
optimizations when you know where the bottlenecks are.


Ralf Stubner
Senior Software Engineer / Trainer

daqana GmbH
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