You cannot parallelize a serial calculation. Sorry, parallelism is not a magic 
wand that you can wave at any problem. If you find portions of your 
calculations are independent, then you can parallelize those portions and do 
the rest serially.

On September 27, 2018 5:04:52 PM PDT, Joseph Wood <> wrote:
>Hey Ralf and Alexis,
>Thank you so much for your replies. All of the resources and
>information are very much appreciated.
>Alexis, yes I have looked at many examples including the one you
>linked to dealing with matrix transform. I'm really glad you linked
>that, because this is a perfect example of why this will not work for
>my situation. I will first note that all of the examples I have seen
>thus far, are carrying out operations that are independent of the
>other entries in the matrix.
>My situation is fundamentally different. The algorithm that fills the
>matrix does so in a way that relies on the previous row and more
>importantly, has a starter vector that isn't apart of the populate
>process. That is, in the example I gave, you will notice I get the ith
>entry point by calling nthPerm, and once I call PopulateMatrix, the
>matrix is populated calling std::next_permutation which is dependent
>on the previous permutation.  The std::next_permutation is just an
>example, but perfectly represents my challenge here. This algorithm
>can't produce the 10th permutation without first being fed the 9th
>permutation. In the matrix transform example, the square root of the
>10th row  has nothing to do with the 9th row whatsoever.
>I hope this clarifies my question above, and I'm sorry for not
>explaining more fully.
>Again, I really appreciate the advice.
>Joseph Wood
>On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 1:05 PM Alexis Sarda <>
>> I'm not sure I understand the problem. You've found RcppParallel,
>have you looked at the examples? There's one with handling matrices
>> In the call to parallelFor() you can change the values you iterate
>over and change your logic based on it.
>> In my package I do a lot of cross-distance matrix calculations with
>RcppParallel, see e.g.:
>> Regards,
>> Alexis.
>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:37 PM Ralf Stubner
><> wrote:
>>> I haven’t read your message in detail, but the second example from
>here might be helpful:
>>> There a matrix is filled in parallel by splitting the columns among
>the threads. Splitting by columns is helpful since matrices in R are
>stored that way. You could use the same method to obtain the transpose
>of your matrix.
>>> Greetings
>>> Ralf
>>> —
>>> Ralf Stubner
>>> Senior Software Engineer / Trainer
>>> daqana GmbH
>>> Dortustraße 48
>>> 14467 Potsdam
>>> T: +49 331 23 70 81 66
>>> F: +49 331 23 70 81 67
>>> M: +49 162 20 91 196
>>>  Mail:
>>> Sitz: Potsdam
>>> Register: AG Potsdam HRB 27966 P
>>> Ust.-IdNr: DE300072622
>>> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Kuno Kunze
>>> Am 26.09.2018 um 18:17 schrieb Joseph Wood <>:
>>> As the subject states, this question is regarding populating a
>>> in parallel. I am currently reading "C++ Concurrency in Action:
>>> Practical Multithreading" as I'd like to take some algorithms I have
>>> to the next level. I have looked at the RcppParallel package, but
>>> features offered there do not seem to apply to this situation. I
>>> explain my reasoning further down. First, we set up our scenario.
>>>  1. We have an empty matrix with the number of rows equal to numRows
>>>  2. We are able to generate the ith row of the matrix at will
>>>  3. Our underlying subroutine populates the matrix from any
>>> particular starting point one by one.
>>> This scenario easily extends to a parallel setup. We have each entry
>>> in our matrix being visited exactly one time by only one thread. The
>>> idea is that if we have m threads, we can split up the work so that
>>> each thread is responsible for populating roughly (numRows / m)
>>> of rows of our matrix.
>>> Here is a simplified example that represents my real situation (In
>>> project I don't have the cpp11 plugin as I take care of this in
>>> Makevars file with CXX_STD = CXX11):
>>> #include <Rcpp.h>
>>> #include <thread>
>>> // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
>>> int myFactorial(int n) {
>>>    int res = 1;
>>>    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
>>>        res *= i;
>>>    return res;
>>> }
>>> std::vector<int> nthPerm(int n, int index) {
>>>    int temp = myFactorial(n);
>>>    std::vector<int> indexVec(n), res(n);
>>>    std::iota(indexVec.begin(), indexVec.end(), 1);
>>>    for (int k = 0, r = n; k < n; ++k, --r) {
>>>        temp /= r;
>>>        int j = (int) index / temp;
>>>        res[k] = indexVec[j];
>>>        index -= (temp * j);
>>>        indexVec.erase(indexVec.begin() + j);
>>>    }
>>>    return res;
>>> }
>>> // Simplified version for demonstration only. The real subroutines
>>> // that carry out this task are more complicated
>>> void PopulateMatrix(Rcpp::IntegerMatrix permuteMatrix,
>>>                    std::vector<int> z, int count, int nRows, int n)
>>>    for (; count < nRows; ++count) {
>>>        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
>>>            permuteMatrix(count, j) = z[j];
>>>        std::next_permutation(z.begin(), z.end());
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> // [[Rcpp::export]]
>>> SEXP ParallelPerms(int n, int userThrds = 0) {
>>>    int nThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - 1;
>>>    std::vector<std::thread> myThreads;
>>>    nThreads = (userThrds > 0) ? std::min(userThrds, nThreads) :
>>>    int step = 0, numRows = myFactorial(n);
>>>    int stepSize = numRows / nThreads;
>>>    int nextStep = stepSize;
>>>    std::vector<int> z(n);
>>>    std::iota(z.begin(), z.end(), 1);
>>>    Rcpp::IntegerMatrix myMat = Rcpp::no_init_matrix(numRows, n);
>>>    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < (nThreads - 1); ++j) {
>>>        myThreads.emplace_back(PopulateMatrix, std::ref(myMat), z,
>>> step, nextStep, n);
>>>        step += stepSize;
>>>        nextStep += stepSize;
>>>        z = nthPerm(n, step);
>>>    }
>>>    // Guarantee that we get all the rows. N.B. We are passing
>>>    // instead of nextStep... they aren't guaranteed to be the same
>>>    myThreads.emplace_back(PopulateMatrix, std::ref(myMat), z, step,
>>> numRows, n);
>>>    for (auto& thr: myThreads)
>>>        thr.join();
>>>    return myMat;
>>> }
>>> I have read that Rcpp objects are not thread safe as they make
>>> unpredictable calls to the garbage collector
>>> (, however Romain
>>> Francois states:
>>> "As soon as you don't use references for Rcpp types, you are not
>>> If you use references, it all depends on what you do with them."
>>> I have a couple of questions regarding this.
>>> My initial thought was I thought Rcpp objects were passed by
>>> by default. Secondly, if this isn't the case, is it as simple as
>>> adding an ampersand to all of my Rcpp objects in the function
>>> parameters?
>>> The project that I'm implementing this in (RcppAlgos) builds fine on
>>> win-builder as well as all of the various rhub checks with no errors
>>> (even check_with_sanitizers() and check_with_valgrind()). When I
>>> submitted v 2.1.0 to CRAN, there were sporadic build errors on some
>>> the linux platforms. By sporadic, I mean sometimes it passes, and
>>> other times it would fail with the error : segfault from C stack
>>> overflow. The current version (v 2.2.0) still has the argument for
>>> parallel computing, but it doesn't do anything. It is only there for
>>> backwards compatibility.
>>> When I initially submitted, it should be noted that I did not have
>>> matrices wrapped with std::ref in the call to create new threads, so
>>> I'm not sure what effect this will have on those builds if I were to
>>> submit to CRAN now.  I will say that after I saw the errors on the
>>> CRAN checks, I immediately sought to replicate them. I was
>>> in extreme situations. For example, if I called the parallel
>>> implementation thousands of times I could generate the error. I
>>> put these extreme tests in my tests folder and check them in a unit
>>> test environment so as not to crash my r session.
>>> I then sought out a more robust solution to my situation and found
>>> that thread function arguments are by default pass by value, and if
>>> you have a particular variable that is expected to be passed by
>>> reference, then you must add std::ref (See
>>> I have done
>>> this and have noticed that I can't generate the issues with the
>>> extreme tests above. HOWEVER, If I call it say 50000 times 10 times
>>> a row, I can sometimes generate an issue (not necessarily the
>>> above.. most of the time it is a stack imbalance warning... the
>>> warning you get when the number of UNPROTECTS doesn't match the
>>> of PROTECTS in the R C API).
>>> I then revisited the RcppParallel package to see if there were any
>>> solutions there. I know that RcppParallel implements fully thread
>>> objects like RMatrix<T>, however I can't see a way to set up a
>>> to populate my matrix. I guess the issue I see is that if you look
>>> my set-up above, we first get the starter vector with a call to
>>> nthPerm from the parent function, then I pass this to PopulateMatrix
>>> which proceeds to populate rows of my matrix for a given number of
>>> rows. With the examples I've seen, there is no dependency on an
>>> external function to get a specific entry point. I thought about
>>> bypassing the RcppParallel::Worker altogether and simply use the
>>> RMatrix<T> object, however I don't think this is how that object is
>>> be utilized. For example, I have not seen any RcppParallel examples
>>> that preallocate an RMatrix<T> object.
>>> My question is, is there a way to make my current set up
>>> If not, is it possible at all to simply populate an object in
>>> safely?
>>> Alternatively, if my question seems a bit naive, a nudge in the
>>> direction would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind going back to
>>> square one, if need be.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joseph Wood
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