Derek Engelhaupt wrote:
> Just got this in my Email from Electronic Goldmine:
> Looks like it might work well as a turret rotate motor....

I've been using those types of motors for various purposes for a couple 
of years now (from various surplus houses) and they are very nice motors 
and gearboxes.  However, they come in a variety of RPMs, so you've got 
to find the right one for the right job.  I have found that elevate and 
rotate systems should run between 4-12 rpm.  Use 4 rpm for extreme 
accuracy and up to 12 rpm for high speed (although personally I think 8 
rpm is fast enough for most purposes).  A few years ago I found the same 
motor/gearbox configuration running at 4rpm @ 6v, bought a couple 
(should have bought more) and they've been working great as elevate and 
rotate motors in the Navarrone Gun and Tiger ... powerful, reliable, and 
cheap ... can't beat that combination.

The motors referenced above run at 22 rpm @ 12v, so they are about twice 
as fast as needed if used by themselves.  You could use them to drive a 
2:1 or 3:1 gear, pulley, friction wheel arrangement, but then that 
starts complicating the design.  Recently, when I built the 
elevate/traverse for the Brumbar I had a pair of the faster 
motor/gearboxes in the workshop (I think they were 16 rpm @ 12v), so I 
solved the problem by installing an inexpensive speed controller that 
could be manually set using a trim pot (see for a description of the kit, available 
from various distributors for approx $20).  By adjusting the pot I could 
dial in exactly the right speed to balance accuracy, smoothness of 
operation and end-to-end speed.  It seemed to work well for Desert One 
in the last battle, but only time will tell if it's a rock solid 
solution.  It did work well enough that I am going to install one of the 
speed controllers in the Navarrone Gun so that I can run everything off 
of the same 12v battery.

        Frank P.

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