Work has slowed mainly because I'm getting into the nitty gritty stuff like
suspensions, mantlet, tracks, wiring, etc.  I think I have more hours
building the mantlet than I do building the rest of the turret.  It's not
easy to cut 6 half circles and get them to fit together nicely on a rotating
axis.  The first pic is of the motor compartment with the fans fitted and
speed controllers mounted.  The second pic is a shot of where the fans exit
the rear deck.  It doesn't look like there is any space there for the air to
escape, but there is.  The third pic shows a different angle and includes
the ball bearings the turret now rides on.  I wanted more support since the
turret is massive.  The fourth pic is an angle shot of the mantlet.  And the
last pic is a shot of the mantlet from inside the tank.  It rides on ball
bearings, but I still have some issues with rubbing when it moves.  Nothing
a Dremel can't fix.  Lastly, there is a short movie of the turret in
action.  Enjoy!

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