First off, don't be a dick. If I wanted that, I'd look to someone who wouldn't need a microscope to find theirs. Moreover, I don't tolerate that from anyone anyway, least of all someone who (big smile) has Ragu as a screen name or Lily as an email address. You're either a cheap pasta sauce, or a flower. Oooh. Big insults and expectations here, kids.

I spell Colour, Favourite and a few other words in the European style out of force of Habit. YOU be married to someone from the UK and not pick up some of their spelling and grammatical differences.

And ColoUr has no advantage. It was simply an Alternative to the: White, Black, Neon Pink or Neon Blue Wii remotes. Which, while functional look outright silly in most Adult Hands.

Honestly, I'm starting not to like this group. Since I've joined, I've been verbally assaulted by two of your members. If this is how you treat someone who took an honest interest in this as a hobby and wanted to know more, and who hoped for an exchange of ideas as MATURE ADULTS, then I think I may be in the wrong place.

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 23:34, jvragu47 wrote:

On Feb 26, 3:47 pm, Patron <> wrote:

  More than enough for Tank combat. They're also relatively easy
 to find and come in a wide variety of colours.

 > "We have a little saying in Massachusetts. "Maybe one day you'll get
 horribly sick and die".

Okay. We need some clarification folks.

1. Unless I'm mistaken ,I believe that the residents of the fair state
of Massachusetts stopped spelling the word colors as colours,3 years
after Yorktowne.( I looked this up on Wikipedia-big smile)
2.So, Monsieur Patron. Are you preparing for the annexation of
Massachusetts to the UK?
3. Which color do you feel will give me an edge over the other thumb
sucking, er , I mean thumb using battlers?


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"We have a little saying in Massachusetts. "Maybe one day you'll get horribly sick and die".

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