The adventure of the 39 Steps

“Gadzooks Nellie! That was a rum one and no mistake. There I was,
minding my own business, when suddenly I found myself accused of
murdering a midget nurse!”

“I know dear. I was the midget nurse. To be fair I was staying in your
flat following an evening at the music hall..”

“Yes! I escaped to a barren moor outside Stoke-On-Trent. The chaps
chasing me were close on my tail. Some other chaps came to help me so
I hid.”

“I know, I followed you. Remember?”

“Yes. I wish you hadn’t. The  German spy, Otto Räder, followed you
and decided to conduct a fingertip search of the area where I was
staying, using After just 39 steps he found me!”

“He was gong to murder you, but I turned up at the last moment to
prove that you hadn’t murdered me, by being alive!”

“Who’s telling this story? Anyway, not all of them believed you-“

“Albert, none of them believed me! Not even the ones who were your
friends! Why does that never happen in the films? Some of them decided
to shoot you, as you were guilty, while some of them decided to shoot
me, to disprove your alibi, or alternatively prove you guilty of
killing me twice.”

“Well, one or other of us was shot, that’s for sure. Then the winning
side attacked the losing side to get their stories straight.
Fortunately, we weren’t killed because the bullet was stopped by a
Bible, and anyway they were only using paintballs. Then we got away

“Albert, I know all this. Why are you telling me?”

So now we have something of a plot:

1.      ENCOUNTER BATTLE as forces chasing Albert clash with Albert’s

2.      THE 39 STEPS Albert’s enemies must protect Otto as he goes from
point A (Nurse Nellie) to point B where Albert is hidden. The usual
Otto rules apply: Otto can be redirected by either side if they shoot
him. 1,000 points for the pursuers if he reaches the vicinity (marked
by cans) of Albert; 1,000 points for defenders if he returns to the
vicinity of Nellie.

3.      RESCUE RUN Nellie races across the moors in a jeep to prevent
Albert being shot. 500 points to the jeep driver for getting there. If
the jeep is shot Nellie can repair it, using her tights as a temporary
fanbelt (she has lots of tights). So if eg jeep is shot 3 times Nellie
is 250 points down; if it’s shot once she’s 250 up. The wining side
also gets the difference as a bonus (so if jeep is shot 3 times all
defenders inc jeep get an extra -250 and all attackers get +250).

4.      A FALLING OUT OF ALLIES A chance for people to change sides as they
disagree over whether to shoot Nellie or Albert. No mission points,
just 5 minutes to kill the opposition!

5.      MURDER ON THE MOORS New sides face off trying to kill Albert or
Nellie. 1,000 points to the winning side.

That’s just a suggestion, incorporating some different scenarios-
improvements welcome!

With apologies to John Buchan, Alfred Hitchcock, and anyone with a
sense of plot. Not that the original was terribly likely..


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