Dual chain tracks are *the* hardest to get working properly. The original T001 tracks suffered from the same problems you're seeing and were replaced by TTS tracks, which haven't been thrown in 10 years of battling. Short of switching to TTS tracks, you should consider the following issues:

1) Tension - You simply have too much slack in the track, which increases the chance it will wander off the sprocket. Remove a link or two, increase the road-wheel throw or move the idler axle further back.

2) Bolting each tread to the dual chains does *not* prevent the two chains from becoming misaligned (one slightly in-front of the other when looking at the links). Assuming the sprockets are aligned, when mis-aligned chains reach the sprocket, one of the chains tries to pull the other out of position.

3) With only single road-wheels between the chains, the chains are free to wander sideways under load. You might have to add a inner or outer set of road wheels to provide more lateral support. Sideways motion is definitely a problem when turning, but if you're throwing a track when starting or stopping, it's because the track is jumping "up" and off the sprocket, which is covered by 1 & 2 above.

4) There's actually no need to use sprockets for the idler. Rather, you could replace those sprockets by a simple set of wheels that roll on the inside of the treads and chains. That would immediately cut in half the probability of a track being thrown, because they can't be thrown from a solid wheel. That allows you to focus your efforts on the drive sprockets.

        Frank P.

On 1/27/2011 6:56 AM, Enzo Salas wrote:
My track goes off when there is an obstacle turning or going forward
or backward. My shaft on my idler is moving up and down, maybe that's
one of the reason?

These are the picture of my tracks:


Any suggestions? Anyone had the same problem like this? What have you
done to solve it?

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