The Scorpion Mini has a brake function so that's not the problem.
It's obvious the friction wheel is slipping.  Have you tried more
spring tension?

Have you looked at Pete's cog -drive setup?

The cog drive would give better engagement and possibly solve your
momentum issue, but maybe not.  That's one big turret you built and it
has plenty of mass.

If I was retro-fitting your tank I'd go with a bigger and faster
motor, a smaller diameter drive wheel, and try Pete's cog-drive


On Apr 7, 12:20 pm, Jeremy Brosious <> wrote:
> There is a link to my current set up.  I have a 100rpm gear motor directly
> driving a hub with a 4" foam rubber wheel that rides on the inside of the
> turret ring.
> I'm using a scorpion mini v2 controller.  Link below.
> I find that writing down my thoughts on this board help me sort things out.  
> My current thoughts:  For speed, i have two choices, gear it up, or find a
> faster motor.  I'm also thinking that if i add multiple motors, i can run
> multiple setups from a motor controller.  This would give me multiple drive
> points, more like 4 fingers of grip rather than 1.  This could help in two
> ways:  When starting, i would get less slippage and faster response, when
> stopped i would have the four motors and wheels providing resistance to the
> turrets motion.  
> Sorry with the limited details on my first message, fustration had set in
> for a moment.  :)

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