I don't get it... I must be missing something here Steve.
Why even bother with the sloped armor then...?


I reread Fred's (or is it Joe's words??) post, and I'm actually leaning towards 
supporting a rule
that just gives everyone a 4/4 rating and that's it.  The hell with it.  It's 
apparent that each side doesn't want to 
budge, so I just say the hell with it.  Everything is 4/4, that's it.
None of this "no armored untracked, tracked no armor, half armor half tracks, 
wheels but no tracks with armor, all armor with half the tracks, less tracks 
more filling, one wheel for every two tracks plus armor, twice the armor with 
no tracks",

The only important rule should be, does the vehicle have a gun??? Obviously 
support vehicles are 
exempt.  Let it be a Hetzer, Panther, T-34, PzKmpf II J, IS-III, Marder, 
Renault F-17, Mark IV, shoebox,
R2D2, spaceship, mechanical cockroach, pumpkin on wheels, the sky's the limit 
on DESIGN, as long as it shoots a paint ball, include it
in the hobby and give it a 4/4 rating. Who cares if it's a vehicle from WWI, 
WWII WWIII WWI7, the Korean War, Franco-Prussian War, War of 1812, as long as 
it has paint ball gun, will travel. No restrictions on build... No buckets, no 
divisions, no nothin'!!!

Who cares?!!  IT'S FUN AND IT'S SIMPLE.  ONE RULE, can't get any simpler than 

RULE: Bring something, anything with a PAINTBALL GUN and you're IN.

I think I'm having more fun with this forum(for lack of a better term) than I'd 
be having in the field!!


Dave D.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve Tyng 
  To: rctankcombat@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 4:11 PM
  Subject: [TANKS] Re: Another Rule Change Proposal

  Great minds think alike!   ;-)

    In our opinion, any reference to historical accuracy 
    beyond Rule II.1 is preclusive rather than inclusive. 
    Why argue about gun size, or armor thickness, or ground 
    speed, or magazine capacity, or ... ?  All of these 
    issues are relative to the time period of the real 
    vehicle.  How can we compare effectiveness of the 
    short barrel 75mm gun in an M4A3 Sherman to 
    the 30mm Rarden autocannon?  If we begin to argue 
    about armor thickness, should we not discuss quality 
    of the steel plate itself? 

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