Hey Neil and all,

I'm basking in the glow of self aggrandizement, from all the currently debated rule issues that now suddenly seem important, all which I had touched upon in my very first post to this forum..... Ahhhhhhh, self worth.

Neil, good luck with the shot timing mechanism, I have to think that some delaying device can be made that's relatively cheap and effective. They've outlawed semi-automatics weapons in the US, (at least I think they have), so hopefully the hobby can follow suit. Gun reloading historically is minimally ten seconds or so (my OPINION, but I'll bet that number is close), for the bigger guns(75mm and up) with some of the Russian tanks taking even more time with their two part cartridges... I know the hobby doesn't want to rely on the historical accuracy, but I believe that this bam-bam-bam-bam--now your vehicle is knocked out, start heading back to base doesn't produce too much of a challenge. I would think a good three-four seconds
would be a good delay for the hobby.

I can just hear a faint voice saying that it's not the paint gun mechanics, but the skill of the operator... Ahhh.

Anyhow, for what it's worth, I think having to pick your shots a bit more judiciously can be good for the hobby. It will certainly promote even more teamwork among same side combatants during battles. I hear that same distant voice, wait, it's getting louder-LOL.

I'm glad that the hobby is maturing, so to speak. Change isn't always bad, as long as it remains grounded in reason, and improves the hobby. It is good to hear some of the founding fathers, so to speak, voicing their opinions on these issues. Hopefully, improvements will be forthcoming. And, as I've said for wome time now, these new changes can be implemented concurrent with the existing rules, as to ease the pain of the ones that are abit more resistant to change... There's that damned voice again!!!

Someone pass me the basking lotion!!

Dave D.

----- Original Message ----- From: "neroc" <funkyne...@ntlworld.com>
To: "R/C Tank Combat" <rctankcombat@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 3:17 AM
Subject: [TANKS] Re: just in case we need another rules question

"we are talking about making a whole new game from what we
have now."

No not really.
What I remember doing in previous battles is risking  all to find a
good position then waiting for my foe to show a little side, then
shooting off as many hits into the side as possible in the very
limited time available, before someone reaches a position to colour my
When using rc equipment to pull a 12v actuator there was a delay as
the actuator needed time to be pulled back by the spring on the marker
trigger. Using this setup I would estimate 1 shot every two seconds,
that wasnt so bad. Along with the "not knowing what is going on in
your turret" factor this created some considerable tense/exciting
moments that any battler will be familiar with.
IMO This is what makes the game so good. your shot at this point needs
to count because anybody who has been there and wants to win knows you
only get so many golden moments per game.
Although driving a ride in tank is great fun and seeing (and hearing)
incoming fire wizzing past your ears, (and hearing (and feeling) hits
on the front of the tank), knowing I can kill a 40/4 tank in less than
two seconds takes the urgency out of those priceless moments.

I intend (or try at least) to develop a mechanical timer that only
allows the trigger to be pulled every so many seconds , I dont know
how quickly a tank crew can reload but I`ll bet 5 seconds will seem
like a very long time when you need another shot.
Maybe even do away with T078`s very well working hopper, so an actual
manual reload is required.

Ok . i think I`ve answered my own question as Ive been typing it  :)

Neil " all in a days work " R

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