No recommendations from me, other than it really doesn't take that long to 
hand cut track guides with a hacksaw.  Heh.


From: Clark Ward Jr <>
To: rctankcombat <>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 10:29 AM
Subject: [TANKS] Saw blade recommendations

As I get closer to having to use the tracks... I am getting ready to
cut a whole lot of 1/8" thick 3/4" x 3/4" aluminum angle pieces to use
as track guides on the M60*.   I have a mitersaw and a bandsaw, and I
can use either for this.  Do any of the cognoscenti have
recommendations on a particular type of blade for either that would be
good to use?

*Yes, the M60.  I was working on the M113, but I was slow, and I was
reminded that I have the M60 hull and 2 completed 4" wide hinge tracks
(minus aforementioned guides), waiting to go.  So now I have
roadwheels and suspension arms to add to that.  So the M60 is the
quickest route to a rolling tank at this point.  And it'll have 4"
wide hinge tracks a la KTT :)

Clark in Georgia
Working feverishly to expand the Greater Southeast Georgia
Co-Prosperity Sphere!  Banzai!

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