okay, found the email......... hope this helps
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

The Armor  Collection that was at Fort Knox (former Patton Museum of Cavalry
&  Armor), as part of the Armor School, has moved with the Armor School to
Fort  Benning, GA. With that move was the German vehicles, which include the
King  Tiger, Panthers, Pz IV, Pz IIIs,....   This was all done under  the
Congress > DA directed BRAC.

The Ordnance Collection was also  affected by the BRAC and directed to move
to Fort Lee, VA. I am not sure  about the Elephant, but the Tiger I was over
in England and is scheduled to  return to the U.S.A, by the year's end, and
should be heading (to my  knowledge to Fort Benning & the Armor Collection).

We are awaiting  the construction of a museum facility in order for the
collection to be  public accessible, but until that point, the Armor
Collection is at our  restoration shop at Fort Benning, and not generally
open to the  public.

If there are other vehicles that you are interested in, I will  see if I can
track them down.
Len Dyer
Director, National Armor &  Cavalry Museum


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