Hey All, and STU in particular...

Finally got to the "source" regarding AOM...  After four phone calls, I got to 
speak to a Greg, who is the acting director of the museum.

He told me the following;

The "field",where the remaining armor is still available for viewing, is open 
to the public 24/7.  But note, he still referenced a "visitors" gate.
He gave "indications" that there is still a good amount of vehicles still 
present for viewing, but he believes that will all change in the coming months.
He told me that the JS-III and the Jagdpanther are still there at AOM's 
field...  Smile to my face!!

Photo ID is required to get past the visitors gate.

He said that the building they have at the AOM is closed.

He claims that Fort Lee is off the table, as funding "got pulled" and there are 
no buildings designated for the smaller stuff.

He thinks that much of the larger stuff (he said the German vehicles in 
particular) will be ending up at Fort Benning, Georgia.

SO, to recap.  I'm seriously planning a visit to the "field" at AOM on Sunday, 
after making an appearance at the RCTC's FB-II battle.

If anyone would care to join me on Sunday, I plan on recording some 
measurements of various vehicles.  I got pretty good directions from Greg on 
how to get there.

Now, if someone can just step forward and give this damned Yankee some 
directions to the field down in Hampstead, MD, I'd certainly appreciate it!!

Dave D.

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