Hey John,

Just got power back late last night...  Funny, my wife and I are lying in bed, 
around 11:15pm, talking about the storm and then about the LIPA bill and 
whether we'll see any difference in the use of less electricity (we don't trust 
them), and BINGO, the power comes on!!  We were lucky this time, only a day and 
a half without power, we lost power for three plus days during Irene last year. 
 And that was during the heat of August...

Yeah, I wished that I could have made it, but I'm definitely looking forward to 
the spring battle!!  Gotta consult that Farmer's Almanac and find a weekend 
with blue skies!!

As you probably know by now, the storm missed Long Island-directly, but we 
certainly did feel it nonetheless!!  Our home didn't suffer much, mostly 
small-medium tree branches, nothing structurally to the house, thank 
goodness...  And even though we live near the ocean, we didn't get any 
water-surge damage.  We're about three quarters the way out on the Island, I 
think the closer you got to NYC the worse it was. Again, we were very 
fortunate.  Now it's just a matter of a bit more clean up that the usual fall 
leaf raking, but it surely beats having to make a call to your home owners 
insurance carrier!!  Thanks for your concern.

Dave D.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jvragu47 
  To: rctankcombat@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 1:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [TANKS] Gettysburg Battle Report

  Dave ,
            It was a great day. You would have enjoyed it. I guess you have 
battened down. Is the storm still headed right at you? Take care and we'll see 
you in the spring.

  John" The Mall actually closed today" P.

  On Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:45:07 PM UTC-4, LIJagdpanther888 wrote:
    Hey John,

    Sounds like you guys had a ton of fun... Sorry that I couldn't be there, 
but with this storm brewing...

    Glad to see that you guys keep things creative, in terms of new ways to 
engage RC tanks...

    Can't wait to hear of the results of the time trials and any new rule 

    Dave D.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: John Pittelli 
      To: tank club 
      Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 6:40 PM
      Subject: [TANKS] Gettysburg Battle Report

      1.  No video 

      2. No pics , except Will taking pics of various Pz II malfunctions. 
Somewhat bizarre in that aspect. Weird to say the  


      Game #1   4  hounds chasing 1 fox.  Fox gets a head start, and most 
important, can score with frontal hits. Once   

                         you're dead,you're out. Everyone had the opportunity 
to be the fox.  I look forward to doing this game  

                        game again. It was hard breaking years of " crap he's 
behind me" and running. Rather than" good he's all 

                       alone and just charging. Fox also had unlimited ammo 
supply.  Max time allowed to hounds 15 minutes. 

                      Fox gets points for kills and time staying alive.

      Game #2     5 tanks enter--- 1 tank leaves. RCTankcombat version of 
Thunderdome.  All tanks start inside the set
                         boundary. No refills of ammo, no leaving the 
boundaries.  CARNAGE MY FRIENDS! Pure and
                         simply put, carnage. 

      And the best part of all, in the finest Vegas tradition, it was TRIPLE 
POINT SATURDAY. Yeah baby, yeah.     

      All in all, it was a glorious day for battle. Frank, Will, Joe, Paul and 
myself even discussed possible rule changes. Sorry the rest were not in 
attendance and therefore ineligible to participate. Some great things are on 
the horizon.

      Oh yes, almost forgot . Speed time trials were performed. The results 
will be a little surprising.

      Stay tuned. .


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