Most of the popular vidoes of the "soapboxing" are old and back when many 
people were more concerned with low-buck fun rather than personal safty. 
Nowdays roll bars, harnesses and vehicle safety inspections are 
commonly mandatory . Some still roll in $100 jalopies made from shopping 
carts and wheel barrows, others are spending $5000 in parts and 
4 wheels, effective brakes and Helmets are requirements for anyone in any 
group anywhere. 
People get creative for car bodies as well, from shopping carts, wheel 
barrows, saran wrap, campaign signs, bumpercars, to cartop storage 
containers. A large variety of tires and wheels are used from Go cart, 
bike, trailer, ATV, and motorcycle wheels. Bike tires fold up on tight 
turns and tall motorcyle tires also have troubles, but the rest seem to do 
alright. The trick is to have grip and low rolling resistance. Not exactly 
hand in hand qualities. 
Some use disk brakes, or drums, or even scrubs (plates that push directly 
against the tire itself). Most are foot operated and some have a hand 
operated secondary break.

This one is mine. It has, since this picture was taken, gotten a new paint 
job and will soon have a roll bar. It is called the Danger Car. It's been 
around since the early days of sport and was more akin to demolition derby 
car than a racer. Now days it is vey fast and has disk brakes.

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