So, the first event of the day was to rescue the 3 POW's from the enemy 

Rules as follows. 3 POW's inside the 4 cones within the compound could only be 
rescued by the supply The 
jailers had 2 AFV's and the Navarone gun. They also could resupply at their 
compound. But if destroyed had to go back to the main base to wipe off and 
record the hits. The rescue party consisted of 3 AFV's and a supply vehicle. 

Oh yes, you could only rescue one POW at a time.

The sides were drawn by coin flip and are as follows.

Jailers   Paul in his Pz II, Joe in the Hetzer and Alex on the Navarone.

Rescuers  John in his Pz II, Will in the SU, Frank in the Tiger and Justice 
with the Jeep.

The event started off smoothly enough with the Rescuers reeking havoc on the 
Jailers. Only problem, the Jeep was eating batteries at a very high rate . So 
even though the compound was cleared 3times, the Jeep could never get a POW 
back to base. Made it half way once.

So, we started again with the Semovente making it's debut as the supply 
vehicle. It performed admirably even at 12 volt power.

The video is of the beginning when the Jeep was in use. Early on you'll see the 
Tiger and Paul battling in the open. Notice how Paul gets a move on when a shot 
comes across his bow. Even a veteran forgets there are other enemy tanks  
coming up on the wing . Paul's priorities are a little skewed. Seems he thought 
the Go Pro was a target. I wish I could have had the videos shown side by side, 
but I think you get the idea.

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