Looks good, John!   That Tiger sure does have a good sound system. ;)

On Friday, October 31, 2014 8:31:33 PM UTC-4, jvragu47 wrote:
> And it was to be, FOOTBALL.   Four on four, three blockers and a 
> quarterback.  Quarterback moved the ball, tackled by being hit anywhere one 
> time. 
> Teams:   Ravens-  Will, Frank, Steve and Joe   Baltimore NFL
>               Stallions- Paul, Loic, Doung and John  Baltimore CFL
> Teams would start on their goal line, the advance to the next set of cones 
> to achieve the first down.  Play would be  4  8 minute quarters.
> Ravens won the toss, and unlike the NFL to day, elected to have the ball.
> Joe and the Hetzer played quarterback while the  Semovente, SU100and 
> Cromwell blocked. Game started off slowly while we figured out the 
> strategies.  Halfway through their first possession we realized something 
> was up. They definitely had backing from the pros.  It ended shortly 
> thereafter.
> rctankfootball part one <http://youtu.be/Qa6OBN5gIHY>
> [image: image] <http://youtu.be/Qa6OBN5gIHY>
> rctankfootball part one <http://youtu.be/Qa6OBN5gIHY>
> View on youtu.be <http://youtu.be/Qa6OBN5gIHY>
> Preview by Yahoo
> The Stallions then started on their goal line. Seeking inspiration to 
> overcome the Ravens backing we listened to some uplifting music from Loic's 
> Tiger.  Sadly neither the French National Anthem not the Italian National 
> Anthem seemed to be working. Playing quarterback was not easy. Aside from 
> my tank taking paint, at these close ranges the shins were taking a beating 
> . In addition to avoiding the opfor you had to watch out for teammates. I 
> myself, not my tank, ran into the SU100 during and end run.   
> The break in the action was a 3 minute time out while the M-60 was carted 
> off the field of play. Not to return. Broken leg, front idler axle . So 
> Paul's Panzer II came on as a replacement. Lucky we had a player on the 
> bench.  At one point I tried to go over the Semovente, did not work.  The 
> front 3 of the Ravens played havoc with us the entire time. 
> Finally though, a tune came over  TBS ( Tiger Broadcast System) lifted our 
> spirits, yeah I was tired at this point of grinding out the first downs 
> ,and we were able to tie the score.   
> And  it was decided to end  the first event.   
> rctankfootball part two a <http://youtu.be/X0emGUfi-_4>
> [image: image] <http://youtu.be/X0emGUfi-_4>
> rctankfootball part two a <http://youtu.be/X0emGUfi-_4>
> View on youtu.be <http://youtu.be/X0emGUfi-_4>
> Preview by Yahoo

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