Journalists recently revealed that the Obama Administration secretly sent $400M in cash to Iran back in January as part of some bizarre deal. What they failed to reveal, however, was that the money was transported to Iran by the M520 Goer. Apparently, the Administration decided to lease a reliable, commercial vehicle for the covert operation and turned to Tri-Pact Shipping and Hauling, who were more than happy to accept a small percentage of the cargo in exchange for their discrete services. Unfortunately, after unloading the cargo, the Iranians decided to confiscate the Goer as well. Tri-Pact was not happy about the double-cross!

The whereabouts of the Goer were unknown for a couple of months, until it turned up at a Denny's outside of York PA. Tri-Pact investigators determined that Iran had given the vehicle to the notorious Pennsylvania Urban Fighting Force (PUFF), an ultra-militant, mostly academic, social awareness organization, as part of the Iranian "Let's All Be Terrorists" community building project. PUFF, in turn, loaned the vehicle to the equally notorious "Smith Clan", a mysterious family of chicken farmers, who apparently was using it to deliver black market chicken parts.

Based on extensive surveillance of PUFF and Smith Clan communications (obtained from some Russian hackers for a couple of bucks), the Tri-Pact Institute of Technology (TIT) analysts have determined that the Goer will be delivering chicken parts to a farm outside of Gettysburg this coming weekend as part of some training of outside agitators from the foreign provinces of Nova Scotia and California.

Based on that information, Tri-Pact will be sending a well-armed Fast Asset Recovery Team (FART) to recover the stolen asset, using whatever force is necessary to subdue any enemy forces in the area. The team consists of a number of silent, but deadly killers, led by Will "It Wasn't Me" Montgomery and John "Pull My Finger" Pittelli. Civilians living in the area should stay in their homes, with all doors and windows sealed. The Goer is expected to be back in the Tri-Pact Motor Pool by Sunday evening.

In a related story, my wife informed me that she will be sending along a large pot of baked beans for the cookout. Bon Appetite.

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