Saturday battle, scenario is Zombie Apocalypse.  Everybody starts out live, 
when you score a hit on somebody, they become your zombie slave. They have 
to follow your orders and try and claim more zombies for their master. 
Shooting a zombie's master transfers all his zombies plus himself to your 
zombie clan. The person who controls all the zombies is pronounced zombie 
king and wins the game.

The video starts out with Frank claiming Paul and E-10 as his zombie and 
together they claim Jean. After they get into formation they claim John, 
Will and Paul P. This leaves Frank almost as zombie king with only me and 
Doug (we were allied) unclaimed. But while Frank was trying to organize his 
zombies I shoot Frank and therefore claimed all his zombies, plus made him 
my zombie. My zombies then went and claimed Doug to end the scenario with 
me as Zombie King.
Funny moment:
*Frank:* Caleb, get over here goofball.
*Me:* What?
*Frank:* You got five zombies here waiting to do something.
*Me: *Well then ATTACK!
What else could I say? I had no idea whose was with me and who wasn't. :)


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