With the end of series authority control by the Library of Congress,
I wonder if RDA will make series as a controlled access point optional.

LC seems to assume 490 0 series will only be searchable by key word.
I see value in giving access to it as a title transcribed from the
item.  Perhaps there should be a 1st indicator meaning "traced as is",

When academic libraries in British Columbia began using Utlas, they
persuaded them to introduce a filing indicator to 490, and traced 490
for their microfiche catalogues.  This was before LC began tracing as
many series as later.  It worked just fine, if you consider 490 to be
like 245 in giving access to a title as transcribed from the item.  If
OCLC and RLIN don't wish to introduce a 490 filing indicator, the
initial article could be dropped as in 246, but a filing indicator
would allow more accurate transcription.

I don't know if AGent dropped the 490 filing indicator when they
purchased the former Utlas went to standard MARC or not.  Too bad if
they did.

It would not be too difficult to supply 490 filing indicator for "A",
"An", and "The" automatically.  French is a tad more tricky.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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