Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dear Mac,
      I'm surprised that as living in the west you  didn't mention Portland
Oregon too. 
      On a little more serious note, I'm  overwhelmed by the volume of the
new draft sections of RDA. It's more pages than  I'd want to copy. In your
reading did you encounter anything about how to deal  with names in nonroman
scripts? It may be that we must wait until the section on  references appears.
      I suppose you know we differ about the Dalai  Lama. Would you just add
his dates or also is number: Dalai Lama, XIV,  1935-   (number and date from
memory)? If he can't be entered  under his name, I'd prefer including his
number to show that one is dealing  with his title not his name.

           JIm Agenbroad  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   )

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