DNB and others to eventually join VIAF will not necessarily follow the same 
cataloging rules or conventions  or even the same scripts or language (we hope 
soon to add more non-Latin scripts) - records for the same entitity are mapped 
to each other using a computer algorithm that is about 95% accurate - so a few 
things will be missing or mis-matched.

VIAF could be used by  NACO as a resource - not as the model for the 
"authorized" heading. Please also be forewarned, VIAF is still in test mode.  - 

>>> Gene Fieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/2/2008 1:28 PM >>>
VIAF, very cool.  Will have to get in touch with my NACO liaison about its
relation to NACO work.  I just submitted a name for review for Agapius,
Bishop of Hierapolis.  DNB has it entered under the Arabic form of the name.
What does that mean for NACO?

Gene Fieg
Claremont School of Theology

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