"If I could point out something rather uncomfortable, it could be argued that 
Google is far more powerful in the area of information retrieval than all of 
the libraries in the world put together."

Google is also far more powerful as a provider of duplicate hits and clutter 
unless one has a pretty good idea of what one is searching for. Are 10,000 hits 
always better than a handful of meaningful hits?

Jim, you and I have discussed this very issue offlist. For finding information 
about the latest movie stars or athletes, Google is great. So is YouTube. When 
I'm trying to move forward with my vital research into important and 
trendsetting Jamaican bass guitar players of the 1970s, it's next to useless. 
10,000 hits that tell me where to buy the same MOR titles not only don't speak 
to my research question, they make it hard to sift out the germane information 
that might be lurking on page 23 of the Google search results.

Mike Tribby
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses


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