>What surprises me is the speed at which it seems to be going through: I 
>haven't seen any mention from the powers that be about taking any length of 
>time to gather and process feedback after the 2 month preview, and perhaps 
>tweak either RDA or the toolkit to reflect changes suggested by users, or 
>things that have been flagged that just won't work.

Although some RDA enthusiasts have a marked tendency to ignore it, there is a 
scheduled feedback period, at least for the U.S. national libraries and their 
other test sites, and, technically speaking at least, adoption of RDA is not a 
done deal. It gets a little hard to remember that given things like the 
upcoming ALCTS forum regarding how libraries are preparing for RDA. The 
obligatory nod to an open process is too often forgotten.

Mike Tribby
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses


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