Greetings all,

This may have been addressed already, but I have seen a lot of variation, so
I thought it worth bringing up. I understand that RDA is a content standard
and not a display standard. However, I was just curious how one would
punctuate the 300 field, specifically final punctuation in $c, when
cataloging a print monograph according to RDA using ISBD punctuation in
MARC21. I know that RDA now considers "cm" a metric symbol and not an
abbreviation, so it does not require a period, and that according to MARC21:
"*Punctuation* - Field 300 ends with a period if there is a 4XX in the
record; otherwise it ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation
or a closing parentheses is present. See also subfield descriptions for
punctuation information." I would assume that the $c should then end with a
period (or some other punctuation).

All that having been said, in many many many LC RDA records, the 300 $c does
not end in a period. In many others, it does. Any clue as to why some lack
the period? For some examples, see OCLC #'s 677981165, 449856066, and
587078028 (lacking period); and 308173544, 297147712, and 468854226 (with


Christopher Case
Content Management Librarian
Milton S. Eisenhower Library
Johns Hopkins University

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