The problem with finding a genuine FRBR catalog is that it exists only in 
theory: for a true FRBR catalog to exist, you need another structure underlying 
the edifice, one based on the FRBR entity/attribute model, and nothing like 
that exists yet (that I know of anyway). For that to happen, we need a complete 
change in MARC format (which was created to exchange information on separate 
cards, i.e. complete information for each manifestation or edition), plus we 
would need changes in rules, to ensure that the information required in each 
entity is there, e.g. that the work record has the required information for all 
the relevant authors and subjects, that the expression record has the 
information for editors and versions, etc. etc. To create such a structure will 
require quite literally a sea change in how every cataloger works, and more 
importantly, how they think. Naturally, there would be tremendous concerns over 
retrospective conversion; otherwise we risk making everything we have now more 
or less obsolete.

In the meantime there are some projects that attempt to replicate the 
experience of an FRBR catalog, and the others have suggested several excellent 
ones. I personally like the example at Such 
projects are incredibly useful since they demonstrate that there is a lot we 
can do with the records we have right now, and these projects by no means 
exhaust the possibilities. I think it would be wise to take a step back and, 
using these projects which simulate a genuine FRBR tool, to ask seriously: 
would building a genuine FRBR sort of tool really provide our patrons with what 
they want or need? Does an FRBR tool answer the real-life questions our public 
brings to the catalog? Is it best, in these exceedingly trying financial 
conditions, to redo everything to build a tool that people *may not* find 
particularly useful?

I am as yet unaware of any user studies along these lines in relation to 
FRBR/RDA, but there are many studies of users, how they search for information 
and what they expect from it, from other viewpoints. Two of the latest are at:
 (the Charleston Conference. I only read the LJ account, but I just discovered 
that some of the presentations are up at and Project 
Information Literacy's report at: There are 
many other highly useful studies however, some of the most interesting coming 
from "library anthropologists"(!).

James Weinheimer<>
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
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00153 Rome, Italy
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Cooperative Cataloging Rules:
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] On Behalf Of Rosa Matthys
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Seeking a Web-based FRBR Catalog (catalogue)

Another example is
Some queries with a good grouping result are: austen cello suites


Rosa Matthys
Coördinatie centraal catalogiseren
Coordination Central Cataloguing<>
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Van: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] Namens Mike McReynolds
Verzonden: maandag 29 november 2010 21:39
Onderwerp: Re: [RDA-L] Seeking a Web-based FRBR Catalog (catalogue)

Thank you very much!

On 11/29/2010 2:22 PM, Andrew Hankinson wrote:
Here are a couple:

Australian Music Centre catalogue:
Scherzo, Variations/FRBR test catalogue:

There are a number of projects at OCLC on FRBR, although their main one, 
FictionFinder, seems to be down for maintenance:

And then there's the FRBR blog, which has a ton of links to other FRBR projects:


On 2010-11-29, at 3:00 PM, Mike McReynolds wrote:

Good Day:

I've been seeking examples of FRBR catalogs on the Web to point to as examples. 
Despite searching the RDA-L archives, library literature, the IFLA Web site and 
Google, I've not been able to locate a single example of a FRBR catalog.  This 
would be helpful to justify the amount of time I've already devoted to 
modifying our cataloging software to simply accept RDA records imported from 
OCLC and then the amount of time I will spend re-learning cataloging.

So far, RDA records do nothing to improve access to our catalog, so it is 
important that I locate at least one good example of a FRBR catalog.

Can anyone point me to a catalog currently using FRBR? Preferably, it would be 
in a Western language, but I'm willing to work with other languages as well.

Thank you for your advice.

Mike McReynolds
Cataloging Librarian
Shook, Hardy & Bacon Law Library
Kansas City<>

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