Another reason for not using all cap titles I just heard about is
libraries which use all cap brief acquisition records to indicate
materials on order.

Son Matt says:

PERL is very powerful at both analyzing strings and changing
them based on conditions, so one can get a bit fancier than
merely capitalizing $a[A-Z] and =$b[A-Z]


For example, initials like "U.S.A." are identifiable by the periods
they contains.  USA, DEA and FBI and other common acronyms,
initialisms and names can be kept in a consulted (and expanding)

But there are diminishing returns and I think you are right
that 245s imported from ONIX would always require proof-reading
and correction.  For example, the way subtitles are handled
in ONIX is a bit nebulous.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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