Karen Coyle wrote:
> Then how do you explain the fact that the specification for URIs  
> includes a possibility for a query,
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.1 and the link to  
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3?

We must be talking about different things, because I'm not seeing the  
relevance of the question. Yes, you can (and many do) send queries in  
URLs -- but something has to resolve the queries -- they aren't links,  
they are a way to carry a query from one system to another. I thought  
you were saying that an OpenURL is a link to a document, and I was  
saying: no, it's a query carried in a URL to some software that then  
does something with the query.

Earlier, I was writing about the possibility of using OpenURL-type queries to 
make a *URI* (not URL), which would be very quick, efficient and easy, but it 
depends on: 1) being able to define a URI through a standard query (which you 
can according to the specification, you just need to specify the base URI), and 
2) of course, much more rigorously-controlled, shared metadata, certainly much 
better than the records I see in the Amazon MARC records I've been looking at 
(from the other thread. While the records are pretty lousy, the tool is great 
though!). This way, we could have ready-made URIs.

We are demonstrating the first steps in places like http://id.loc.gov  
and http://metadataregistry.org/rdabrowse.htm. The first steps are  
defining our data elements and controlled lists in these standard  
formats that everyone working on linked data can understand. After  
that, it won't really matter greatly what we use internally as a data  
carrier for our defined data as long as we express it using linked  
data standards when we want to communicate to the larger world. I  
don't know how else to put this, but our problem is not just that MARC  
is an out of date record format -- a bigger problem is that we have no  
way to tell others what our data MEANS in a known, mainstream way.  
Linked data isn't a magic bullet, and something will undoubtedly  
replace it in the future (perhaps before we even get there), but it  
has the advantage of using standards to make ones' data *elements*  
usable in a mixed data environment.

I realize this. But if we have to wait even longer before our RDF is verified, 
agreed to and fixed, PLUS in general operation, it will be forever.

But the changes that some of us think matter are changes to our data model and 
data definitions, not to the carrier.

Changing our current data model and the definitions, and most importantly, 
getting some kind of general agreement on such matters, probably will not 
happen in our careers. We must realize that in Internet time, this is the 
equivalent of centuries. It has already taken so long with FRBR and RDA that 
they are effectively obsolete (in my opinion of course! Apologies for saying 
this on the RDA-L list). If they had been implemented much earlier, we would be 
in quite a different situation today. I am not finding fault on this--it's just 
a very complicated and difficult task to undertake.

The most that I see could possibly happen with a new data model is that each 
community could define its own model, perhaps on national/cultural grounds, but 
perhaps by field of endeavor, and then these groups may reach some kind of 
agreement someday in the far future. Or not.

Our current carrier is totally shot in the greater world and has to change 
sooner or later. This is about the most painless thing we could do. Of course 
it will change in the future from an XML view of the ISO2709 record (at least I 
hope so! For example, the "roundtripability" must be eliminated) but the 
general populace could use our records right now and in a very public way that 
could help them. This would be giving developers at least a chance. People 
could write additional transformations to put the records into whatever formats 
they want, which--let's face it--they will anyway no matter what kind of RDF 
the library world may eventually devise. 

I still see no reason to wait even longer. It is imperative that we move 
forward in practical ways that the public can see.

James Weinheimer  j.weinhei...@aur.edu
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
via Pietro Roselli, 4
00153 Rome, Italy
voice- 011 39 06 58330919 ext. 258
fax-011 39 06 58330992
First Thus: http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
Cooperative Cataloging Rules: http://sites.google.com/site/opencatalogingrules/

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