Realized belatedly that this conversation might better be happening on other lists.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Re: ] RDA and MARC
Date:   Wed, 16 Feb 2011 14:26:18 -0500
From:   Diane I. Hillmann <>
To:     MARC <>
CC:     Bernhard Eversberg <>


A little history here.  When the DCMI/RDA Task Group was formed in May
of 2007, it was with the idea that the work could be supported
financially by other entities, not the RDA co-publishers (who did, in
fact, support that London meeting where everything started).  In fact we
did have some early funding from the British Library and Siderean
Software, which helped get us started but in reality did not go far
enough.  You may recall that in 2008 the financial meltdown hit
everyone, and those of us engaged in doing the work, primarily four
people: Gordon Dunsire (the co-chair with me of the TG), Karen Coyle,
Jon Phipps and I (with some early help from Alistair Miles) decided that
we'd rather spend our time doing the work ourselves than continuing to
try and raise funding in that climate.

Frankly, the work involved is not something that can be done without a
fair amount of background and experience in some fairly esoteric areas.
(Read our article in DLib Magazine for more evidence of what was
This 'volunteer' aspect of the building of the vocabularies has been
firmly determined by us to end when the work is 'done' (completed to the
extent that RDA is), reviewed by whoever the JSC determines should do
the reviewing (still an open question, I'm afraid), and 'published'
(e.g., the status in the registry changed from 'new-proposed' to
'published').  That said, there is a proposal on the table with ALA
Publishing that they contract with us for the maintenance of the
vocabularies and any work needed to integrate the vocabularies with the
Toolkit and enable further translations of the vocabularies in the Open
Metadata Registry (such as has already started with the DNB).  None of
the integration steps would affect the open nature of the vocabularies
at all, just make for a more rational maintenance regime and limit any
synchronization issues.

I'm just as frustrated as you are (maybe more, given the state of limbo
in which the vocabularies seem to be at the moment), but all I can say
is that the four of us are pushing as hard as we can, and maybe y'all
could spend more of your energies pushing at the entities who seem to be
happy with the status quo instead of at us.  We are not, as some would
have it, a group of consultants trying to make money on this effort. If
we were, we'd have to honestly say we have failed miserably.  I'd like
to think that we've done something substantial and important with this
opportunity, and in the process demonstrated that it's not just the big
guys with the money who can make change happen.

Diane Hillmann
Co-chair, DCMI/RDA TG

On 2/16/11 4:07 AM, Bernhard Eversberg wrote:
 15.02.2011 21:02, Mitch Turitz:

   >   ...
 I also think that although you are selflessly devoting your valuable
 time to this unfunded mandate, you should request $ from the JSC and
 other institutions to support this work.
 It is unsatisfactory that anyone should be doing unpaid work on these
 matters while the textual body of RDA is not freely available as open
 If the business model is to be a commercial one, then let ALA
 Publishing do *all* the work related to RDA and bring a complete product
 to the market that can be used out of the box and is demonstrably better
 than what we have now.
 It is even more annoying that in this forum and others there's much
 guesswork and speculation being done on numerous questions which
 could be answered easily by those in charge of RDA. Are these the
 new commandments sent down from the mountain, and now it is our
 part to volunteer in doing all the exegesis?


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