Abbreviations in RDA is so complex.  Using standard AACR2 Appendix B
abbreviations makes sense.  Using no abbrevitions (apart from ISBD
ones) would make sense.  But the strange mixture in RDA?

This is what we are now considering telling our cataloguers:


In general, do not use Appendix B abbreviations in transcription.
Transcribe abbreviations as found in item, e.g., "ed.", but give in
full if "edition" in item.  In collation, "pages", "volumes",
"illustrations", etc. are written in full.

The following abbreviations continue to be used in collations:

centimeters           cm
hour(s)               hr.
kilometers            k
inches                in.
meters                m 
minutes               min.
revolution per minute rpm
seconds               sec.

Note that metric symbols have no periods.

Other areas in which abbreviations are used:

Series added entry number area, in order to standardize filing.

A.D. and B.C for dates in headings (mainly personal name headings).
Uniform title "etc." in "Protocols, etc.", "Laws, etc." and "Treaties, etc."

Jurisdiction qualifiers with place names in headings, including the 
jurisdictional part of a corporate body (government) heading, a 
conference heading, or place name in headings giving places
associated with persons, families, and corporate bodies.
Music headings giving medium of performance, e.g., S, A, T, and
B for two or more vocal parts; numeric designations such as serial numbers
and opus number, e.g., "op." and "no."; but give in full  "arranged",
"unaccompanied", and "accompaniment".

What have I missed?

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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