Karen Coyle wrote:
Standards are only enforceable if they are measurable. There is no way  
to enforce a standard on transcribed data elements. The more that our  
data allows for free text input, the less we can do to ensure that  
standards are followed.

What people are calling "free text" does not necessarily mean that you are free 
to enter the text you want. It is *text*, certainly, but anything but *free*. 
For example, the ISBD rules of exact transcription of the title page has the 
result that the information in the 245 is *not* free at all, although as with 
every rule or standard, there is naturally a little bit of wiggle-room, and the 
more experience you have, the more wiggle-room you can find. Still there are 
limits, so there is no way that any standard could e.g. allow for the 
preliminary title the author chose when first writing a book, and by the time 
the book was finished, the author had changed the title into something quite 
different, to then say that the preliminary title should be accepted as the 
final title of the book makes no sense. This would be like putting the title 
"Trimalchio on West Egg" on Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" 
 Sure, the title may be of interest and someone may want to record it, but it 
is *not* the title of the book. 

All of this can certainly be measured, and has been a lot, as any cataloger 
(including myself) can testify who has undergone the (often humiliating) 
scrutiny of strict revisers. Those revisers would have kicked me out of the 
places I have worked if I had given them a record like this: 
For this item:
(and you can even compare the scan! 

Practically every field needs updating. There are far worse records than this 
one. Still, such things *can* be measured and are, every day.

I also don't see that even in the 260$b it's all that "free". The terms and 
abbreviations used there have been strictly controlled over such a long period 
of time, and I have a suspicion that a good perl programmer could probably work 
out a routine to display "ill." or "illus." as "illustrations" or in whatever 
language you would want. Doing this should be child's play. There are just not 
that many abbreviations, even historically. So, it wouldn't surprise me if it 
turned out that those abbreviations could perform essentially the same function 
as computer codes, maybe not quite so perfectly, but it would be far more 
flexible (different languages) and in any case, a better use of the cataloger's 
time than the tiresome-Sisyphean task of typing out all of those abbreviations 
in full (and would only make the programmer's job more complicated), or wishing 
that the creators of MARC had made special codes and click boxes for 

The headings are not free-text, by definition. The only place where there is 
true "free text" is in the note fields (I know--there are probably some others 
I've forgotten), but not all the note fields. There is nothing wrong with some 
free-text fields, and they are vital for a cataloger to do the job properly. 
And Google Translate has demonstrated in amazing fashion how much you can do 
with transforming true free-text.

It would be so much more fruitful to concentrate on the powers that the 
computer systems give us and to work with what has been given to us in new and 
powerful ways. We need to work with what we have. Our traditional controlled 
terminology should be exploited for all it is worth.

James Weinheimer  j.weinhei...@aur.edu
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
via Pietro Roselli, 4
00153 Rome, Italy
voice- 011 39 06 58330919 ext. 258
fax-011 39 06 58330992
First Thus: http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
Cooperative Cataloging Rules: http://sites.google.com/site/opencatalogingrules/

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