On 18/04/2011 19:34, Adam L. Schiff wrote:
I think you are right, but then our patrons will demand that somehow, these 
separate conferences all come together. People have plenty of problems already 
with conferences--one of the worst is the idea that it is a conference *name* 
and not a conference *title*. I don't know how many hours of my life I have 
argued this with people, where I have to show what is a corporate body, etc. 
Anyway, that's why I mentioned the "superwork" idea, but in this case, it would 
be a "superconference".

It's hard to decide how all of this "superstuff" will turn out though. In my 
own opinion, it is evidence that something, somewhere is wrong.

James L. Weinheimer  j.weinhei...@aur.edu
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