Ahhh! I missed the tactile part! Thanks, Mark!


On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Mark Ehlert <ehler...@umn.edu> wrote:

> Julie Moore <julie.renee.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In the RDA Table 6.1, I was wondering why "cartographic three-dimensional
> > form" was listed twice.
> It looks fine in the Toolkit from here.
> > 1) "Cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be
> > perceived through touch as a three-dimensional form or forms."
> > 2) "Cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be
> > perceived visually in three-dimensional form or forms."
> The content type for the first one is "cartographic tactile
> three-dimensional form."
> --
> Mark K. Ehlert                 Minitex
> Coordinator                    University of Minnesota
> Bibliographic & Technical      15 Andersen Library
>   Services (BATS) Unit        222 21st Avenue South
> Phone: 612-624-0805            Minneapolis, MN 55455-0439
> <http://www.minitex.umn.edu/>

Julie Renee Moore
Catalog Librarian
California State University, Fresno

"There is more to life than simply increasing its speed." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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