Quoting "Cheryl L. Conway" <ccon...@uark.edu>:

The University Libraries is exploring re-indexing our online catalog.

We are wondering:

Are libraries planning to index RDA (336-384) fields within their library catalogs?

I assume you means what I would describe as changing the mapping of MARC fields and subfields in specifying what particular indexes cover, and possibly setting up some new indexes.

I haven't heard of any library undertaking this yet simply on account of RDA. Those I know that are considering the possibility have done no more than sketch possibilities, but seem to intend to wait until RDA implementation, and particularly LC and PCC decisions, are made. Until then, apart from a few libraries continuing to deploy RDA with (I presume) the LC RDA test specifications -- the University of Chicago Library is a notable one -- most people seem to be in a state of "wait and see".

In the system I know best (SirsiDynix's Horizon) it's possible for authorized staff to conduct SQL searches at database level. That would suffice for investigating what specific RDA content has entered the system and help show whether separate indexes are called for. I assume most other systems have some similar capability, if they don't provide a keyword search targeted to specific MARC fields (as, for example, LC's Voyager system does).

Hal Cain, willing to wait and see
Melbourne, Australia

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