J. McRee Elrod <m...@slc.bc.ca> wrote:
> But according to the LCPS, that $e was not to be supplied during the
> test...

There is no such LCPS.

> ...and was not by most testing institutions.

Are you sure it's most?  For instance, of the 7700 so-called "extra
set" bib records submitted as part of the test, there are around 7100
name headings that include $e.  Albeit a single metric and nothing

> Relator terms are not in most present RDA records.

It's about 50/50 in my experience eyeballing RDA records in the wild.

Mark K. Ehlert                 Minitex
Coordinator                    University of Minnesota
Bibliographic & Technical      15 Andersen Library
  Services (BATS) Unit        222 21st Avenue South
Phone: 612-624-0805            Minneapolis, MN 55455-0439

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