The work "Genesis" is the work "genesis". I see no need for any qualifier at all.

(AACR cataloguers use to qualify everything. German cataloging tradition shows, that it is possible to use less qualifiers.)

Am 10.05.2011 21:01, schrieb Adam L. Schiff:
Mac wrote:

Just "Genesis" is a faith neutral compromise.

Ah, yes it might very well be. But since that title conflicts with other works that have the same title, if you are using an authorized access point you will need to qualify it. By what? (Torah), (Bible), (Book of the Torah), (Book of the Bible), (Holy scripture) - one could get into the same dilemma we've been discussing even with the qualifier.

* Adam L. Schiff * * Principal Cataloger *
* University of Washington Libraries *
* Box 352900                         *
* Seattle, WA 98195-2900             *
* (206) 543-8409 * * (206) 685-8782 fax * * * **************************************


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