Hi all

This is good article.  Simple and easy to understand.

FRBR and RDA: What They Are and How They May Affect the Future of Libraries
by Charles R. Croissant
(THEOLOGICAL LIBRARIANSHIP, An Online Journal of the American Theological
Library Association, Volume 5, Number 2, July 2012)

Abstract: “Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records,” a document
issued by the International
Federation of Library Associations’ Cataloguing Section in 1997, has
achieved the status of an important theoretical
model of the cataloging process, in effect, a theory of cataloging. It is
the foundation on which the new cataloging
code, Resource Description and Access (RDA), is based. An understanding of
the FRBR model is essential to the
understanding and application of RDA. This paper explains the
entity-relationship model that FRBR presents: the
bibliographic entities (work, expression, manifestation, item), their
attributes, and the relationships that connect
them. It explains how bibliographic records based on the FRBR model would
be structured, and demonstrates how
FRBR informs the structure of RDA. It describes the controversies connected
with the forthcoming implementation
of RDA in March 2013, and explores the implications of this implementation
for the library community.


Henry Lam

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