On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

> Ugh. No, it begins with people who have web sites realizing that if they
> want their site to be found (also known as SEO) then they need to add
> metadata. Hopefully, CMS's and software like Dreamweaver will start making
> it easy to add this metadata. The metadata is then spider-able by anyone
> who wants to spider it, and if the data makes use of things like URIs, it
> also becomes linkable to data in Wikipedia, geonames, id.loc.gov, etc.
> Since each web site automatically has an identifier, anyone else (like your
> librarians) could create more data that is associated with that identifier
> (like making connections to VIAF). But the "it starts with librarians" is a
> non-starter. There are how many billions of sites on the Web, and how many
> that are new or that change each day? I'd just be happy if librarians would
> start thinking about how to make use of the micro-data that is out there
> today, INCLUDING the WorldCat linked data. For that latter, I have a very
> brief video "walk through" -- for human access, not machines:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkF9IPcPDYg&feature=plcp
> I'm now looking at the WorldCat file that was exported, and hope to have
> some "how to" related to that before too long.

In my opinion, that would be a making serious mistake for libraries since
it would just be creating another version of Google (i.e. with no selection
and reliance on SEO) and I believe would lead to the ultimate obsolescence
of libraries and librarians. My article was entitled "How to keep the
practice of librarianship relevant in the age of the Internet". Not very
poetic perhaps, but still a highly pertinent idea.

Concerning libraries and linked data, I think we can all assume that if and
when linked data really begins to take off (although such a development is
still doubtful), that is when Google, Facebook, Bing, Yahoo, and the rest
will dive in in such a way that libraries will be elbowed out completely
and won't have a chance. The coding used: RDF, microdata, RDFa or whatever
will make no difference to the outcome.

To combat this, libraries must find a path for themselves. They can do this
by making something different from what the Googles make--and what the
Googles don't *want* to make--and that everyone knows the public wants. One
way of creating something that the public wants, and that many are
beginning to demand, is to provide selection--"reliable selection" in all
kinds of meaning of the term. People are starting to understand that the
touted secret algorithms can always be cracked for the advantage of some
group or individual (and the algorithms were never that great anyway).
Certainly the idea of library selection would have to change, and those
changes would lead to other changes, but at least we would be providing
something that the public wants and no one else provides.

I would also hope that people would begin to appreciate reliable metadata
as well. The average person doesn't know how to make coherent metadata and
the vast majority couldn't care less about it: the "authors" added often
reflect a bureaucratic need to make sure that the bosses can fill out their
CVs, so those names are added to practically everything in their own
departments, or they add everybody who just looked at the resource. (I've
seen this happen more than once) An untrained person cannot even begin to
analyse a subject, much less assign subject descriptors from a thesaurus in
a coherent way, and I won't even mention the complexities of LCSH. Relying
on the public to assign metadata will provide something like these two
examples of tags on Amazon:
Going rogue by Sarah Palin http://amzn.to/3YL2CD

Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama http://amzn.to/QyFyxR

Then with spammers, advertisers, blah blah, we would wind up with exactly
what we have now. Why wouldn't we see more of the same?

To me, believing that linked data and SEO, especially without some kind of
reliable selection, will be any improvement over what we see in the search
engines now is just wishing. It will be the same characters doing the same
things they do now, just using slightly different methods.

I still believe that there is a lot that librarians can do to improve what
the public currently has and librarians can become vital parts of the
information universe, but they need to take different directions.


James L. Weinheimer  weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com
First Thus: http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/

Cooperative Cataloging Rules: http://sites.google.com/site/opencatalogingrules

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