Well that raises another problem that I see if both associated place and location of conference are to be recorded in the same subfield in 370. When you have a conference that includes both elements, it is not clear which element is which. For example, when two different unrelated conference have the same name, one of the possible additions is associated place, as illustrated by the examples in

Governors Conference on Aging (Ariz.)

Governors Conference on Aging (Fla.)

Now when you have a specific instance of one of these conferences, such as the example at

Governors Conference on Aging (Fla.) (3rd : 1992 : Tallahassee, Fla.)

both "Fla." and "Tallahassee, Fla." would have to be recorded in 370 $e:

111 2# $a Governors Conference on Aging (Fla.) $n (3rd : $d 1992 : $c Tallahassee, Fla.)

370 ## $e Fla. $e Tallahassee, Fla.

Therefore, it's not clear at all from the coding in 370 which element is which and what goes where. If you were trying to assemble an access point on the fly, the machine couldn't do it. In situations where a conference was held in two or more location, each location would be recorded in 370 $e, as in:

111 2# $a Symposium on Breeding and Machine Harvesting of Rubus and Ribes $d (1976 : $c East Malling, England; Dundee, Scotland)

370 ## $e East Malling, England $e Dundee, Scotland

How is a machine supposed to be able to tell the difference between the first example with two subfield $e's and the second?

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

On Sun, 9 Sep 2012, Hideyuki Morimoto wrote:

JSC document entitled "Examples of full RDA records (JSC). Authority records" (http://www.rdatoolkit.org/sites/default/files/examples_of_rda_authority_records_0.pdf) carries on p. 38 the example of the 21st Olympic Winter Games:

  111 2# $a Olympic Winter Games $n (21st : $d 2010 : $c Vancouver,
  370 ## $c Canada $e Vancouver, B.C.

with "Vancouver, B.C." entered under 370-$e rather than 370-$f.

PCC document entitled "MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs" (rev., May 2012) (http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/rda/PCC%20RDA%20guidelines/RDA%20in%20NARs-SARs_PCC.pdf) recommends on p. 2:

  370:  $e Location of conference (place of residence/
           headquarters):  11.3.2
        $f Location of conference (other associated place):

LC's training material "RDA special topics. Conferences : guidelines for best practice" prepared by Ms. Crist?n (update, July 2012) (http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/source/special_topics_conferences.ppt) also carries on slide 41:

  - Record the location of a conference in 370 $e
  - Record a country that is associated with a conference, in
    370 $c
  - Record any other place that is associated with a conference,
    in 370 $f

This coding convention has been followed, for instance, in:

  010 __ |a n 2012043969
  111 2_ |a Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference
         |n (9th : |d 2012 : |c Chongqing, China)
  370 __ |e Chongqing, China

  010 __ |a nb2012020456
  111 2_ |a ICHIT (Conference) |n (6th : |d 2012 :
         |c Taejo(breve)n-si, Korea)
  370 __ |c Korea |e Taejon-shi, Korea
         ["Taejon-shi" under field 370 should instead read
          "Taejo(breve)n-si" with a breve but with no "h",
          as per LCCN n  82043279 .]

  010 __ |a no2011150529
  111 2_ |a Jiang Zhongzheng ri ji yu Minguo shi yan jiu guo ji
         xue shu tao lun hui |d (2010 : |c Taipei, Taiwan)
  370 __ |e Taipei, Taiwan


Hideyuki Morimoto
Japanese Cataloger
C.V. Starr East Asian Library
300 Kent Hall, mail code 3901
Columbia University                         Voice:  +1-212-854-1510
1140 Amsterdam Ave.                         Fax:    +1-212-662-6286
New York, NY  10027
U.S.A.                        Electronic Mail:  hm2...@columbia.edu

On Sun, 9 Sep 2012, Adam L. Schiff wrote:

FYI, I sent the following email to the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at LC:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 16:57:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adam L. Schiff <asch...@u.washington.edu>
To: nd...@loc.gov
Subject: Location of Conference and MARC Authority 370


According the RDA to MARC Authority Mapping found in the RDA Toolkit, the element Location of Conference, Etc. (RDA 11.3.2) maps to 370 subfield $f (Other associated place).

However, there is nothing in the MARC documentation that shows this. 370 $f has the following definition:

Other or additional town, city, province, state, and/or country associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions. Dates associated with other place are recorded in subfields $s (Start period) and $t (End period).

It would be very helpful to catalogers if the documentation specified that $f is used for the location of a conference. Examples could be taken from RDA 11.3.2 and

111 2# $a Clambake Conference on the Nature and Source of Human Error $n (1st : $d 1980 : $c Columbia Falls, Me.)

370 ## $f Columbia Falls, Me.


111 2# $a Olympic Winter Games $n (21st : $d 2010 : $c Vancouver, B.C.)

370 ## $f Vancouver, B.C.


111 2# $a Symposium on Breeding and Machine Harvesting of Rubus and Ribes $d (1976 : $c East Malling, England; Dundee, Scotland)

370 ## $f East Malling, England $f Dundee Scotland


111 2# $a Governor's Conference on Aging (Fla.) $n (3rd : $d 1992 : $c Tallahassee, Fla.)

370 ## $e Fla. $f Tallahassee, Fla.


Adam Schiff

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax
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