Casey, thanks to you and your committee for this monumental work. I have one question (for now ;)): on p. 72, could you specify what $e term(s) is/are appropriate for the first case (when performers/performing ensembles are recorded in a 100/110 field (and in 245 $c) because they are treated as adapters.

Also, one correction:     on p. 23, I think "261" is supposed to be "264"?



On 2/11/2013 7:15 AM, Casey A Mullin wrote:
[Cross-posted widely. Please excuse the duplication]


The MLA-BCC RDA Music Implementation Task Force is happy to announce the release of the first complete draft of "Best Practices for Music Cataloging using RDA and MARC21." This document represents over sixteen months of effort by the task force to determine and articulate best practices for the description of music resources (chiefly scores and audio recordings). In the increasingly decentralized environment of library metadata standards, this document addresses the need for specific guidance for catalogers describing music resources that is authoritative, yet flexible to the needs of individual institutions. It is intended to supplement the text of RDA itself, and accounts for (though does not presume full adherence to) the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS).

The task force invites broad input regarding these best practices, from both specialists within the music community and non-specialists who work with music materials (or manage those who do). Formal means for collecting community feedback and incorporating it into revisions of the best practices document on an ongoing basis are still being developed. For the current draft, please send feedback directly to the task force chair (yours truly) at

Additionally, these best practices decisions will be the topic of a panel discussion at the MLA Annual Meeting in San Jose, CA on February 28, 2013, entitled "RDA Best Practices for Music: A Conversation." Specific topics to be discussed will be based directly on feedback gathered from e-mail responses in advance of the meeting, and from those attending the session (in "town hall" fashion). Whether or not you are able to attend the MLA session, we want to hear from you!!

The current draft may be found here:

Many thanks,
Casey Mullin
Chair, MLA-BCC RDA Music Implementation Task Force
Casey A. Mullin
Head, Data Control Unit
Metadata Department
Stanford University Libraries


"Those who need structured and granular data and the precise retrieval that results 
from it to carry out research and scholarship may constitute an elite minority rather 
than most of the people of the world (sadly), but that talented and intelligent minority 
is an important one for the cultural and technological advancement of humanity. It is 
even possible that if we did a better job of providing access to such data, we might 
enable the enlargement of that minority."
-Martha Yee

Nancy Sack
Cataloging Department
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
phone: 808-956-2648
fax: 808-956-5968

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