I am trying to make a local decision on the 502 for our catalog in preparation 
for RDA training.   I remember some discussions on this topic a month and 2 ago 
& am hoping to hear that someone has come up with a good solution since.   

We would like to start coding the 502 subfields, but as best we can tell, our 
catalog, Ex Libris, is not able to generate punctuation that is not in the 
catalog record. Our public services librarians would very much like to retain 
as close to our current standard thesis note as possible.

I understand (or assume at least there is) the assumption that systems will 
eventually be able to add the desired punctuation to this note. But what I do 
not understand about the RDA admonition to remove punctuation from the 502 in 
particular, is how local systems are handling this currently.

Under AACR2, a sample free text 502 reads:
‡a Thesis (M. of Military Art and Science (General Studies))--U.S. Army Command 
and General Staff College, 2012.
        Which of course generates this display:
Thesis (M. of Military Art and Science (General Studies))--U.S. Army Command 
and General Staff College, 2012.

The closest we can get to this, with RDA coding is:

‡b M. of Military Art and Science ‡g General Studies ‡c U.S. Army Command and 
General Staff College ‡d 2012.

        With a helpful system-generated label, we get:

Dissertation Note: Master of Military Art and Science General Studies U.S. Army 
Command and General Staff College 2012.

Are other libraries just accepting this?  Continuing with the |a free text 
field & full punctuation?  Adding punctuation to the subfields?  Is there some 
other option I've not though of? 

It seems a shame not to start coding this field for our local theses especially 
as we start working with RDA, but I'm not liking the options I feel I have here 
to bring to my colleagues.  

I'd be interested in what other libraries that catalog a lot of dissertations 
are doing with their 502s.

Patricia Fogler
Chief, Cataloging Section  (AUL/LTSC)
Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center 
DSN 493-2135   Comm (334) 953-2135  


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