J. McRee Elrod <m...@slc.bc.ca> wrote:
> I said:
>>We need a $e term and $4 code for contributor.
> Could someone with the appropriate skills and connections propose the
> addition of "contributor" to RDA relationship terms ...

It's already in RDA: see 20.2.  It's just not explicitly listed in RDA
Appendix I.

Something not often mentioned in all this discussion about
relationship designators is that they're finer terminology for the
more general roles mentioned in the very body of the RDA text--the
elements in Chapters 19-22.  For instance, working from the specific
to the general:

"lyricist" (RDA I.2.1)
=> a kind of "author" (RDA I.2.1)
=>> a kind of "creator" (RDA 19.2)

"singer" (RDA I.3.1)
=> a kind of "performer" (RDA I.3.1)
=>> a kind of "contributor" (RDA 20.2)

"broadcaster" (RDA I.4.2)
=> a kind of "publisher" (RDA 21.3)

In MARC, we're accustomed to tossing specific terms next to name
headings, so gravitating to those designators in Appendix I makes
sense.  However, the elements of Chapter 19-22, or more so the names
of those elements, are just as much "relationship designators" as
those in the Appendix.  Some or most of these--I haven't counted
them--have matching MARC relator terms (e.g., Creator [cre]).

Using the element names as found in those RDA chapters in the 1xx/7xx
$e is another option, one that our shop is open to if no Appendix I
terms are appropriate, if we have no means of concocting a new
designator, and we choose to forego the MARC relator terms.  If going
that route, however, I suggest making the following in-MARC-record
adjustments to three elements since their names are so unwieldy.  The
format of the proposed terms is based on similar vocabulary in the

19.3: Other Person, Family, and Corporate Body Associated with a Work
Designator: other (work)
Example: 700 1- Doe, John, $e other (work)

21.6: Other Person, Family, and Corporate Body Associated with a Manifestation
Designator: other (manifestation)

22.4: Other Person, Family, and Corporate Body Associated with an Item
Designator: other (item)

The same sort of chapter-appendix continuity happens with the
thing-thing relationships described in Chapters 25-28 and Appendix J:

novelization of (work) (RDA J.2.2)
=> adaptation of (work) (RDA J.2.2)
=>> based on (work) (RDA J.2.2)
=>>> related work (RDA 25.1)

And there's Appendix K + Chapter 30-32 too.

Mac continues:
> and "cnt
> Contributor" to the MARC code list?

Is this already covered by Contributor [ctb]?

Mark K. Ehlert

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