19.1.1 tells you the source of information when you are recording
relationships (access points) for persons, families, and corporate bodies
associated with a work, so I'm afraid that doesn't help us here.


The source of information instructions for recording a corporate body as
either a statement of responsibility ( or a publisher ( are
found in Ch. 2.


The real question here seems to me to be: if we have already recorded a
corporate body once, as either a statement of responsibility (having
determined the corporate body is the issuing body) or a publisher, then can
we use the same statement again for another element? 


I remember a discussion (held some time ago) about  and "name as
part of the title" and whether, if we enter a name as part of a title, we
should repeat it as a statement of responsibility (since, unlike AACR, RDA
does not say NOT to do so). I cannot find the discussion to quote from it
directly, but the answer was that there is no special instruction in RDA
about this because it is not needed, because if data has already been given
as part of the title data, it cannot also be responsibility data.


If this is a guiding principle (that we can only use a single statement for
one purpose) and if you can only find one statement naming a corporate body,
then I think you would have to decide whether the statement is naming the
corporate body as issuing body or as publisher and give it accordingly.


If you decide a statement is a responsibility statement (often based on
layout) then remember that we do not 'guess' a publisher; we didn't under
AACR, and we still don't, under RDA. So you would enter the corporate body
as statement of responsibility, and you would have to enter [publisher not
identified]. If you want to provide access via the corporate body, then do
so and add a relationship designator as issuing body, but not as publisher.


If you decide a statement is a publication statement (again, often based on
layout) then enter the corporate body as Publisher Name, but not as
Statement of Responsibility. If you want to provide access via the corporate
body, then do so and you can add a relationship designator as publisher; but
if you also want to add a relationship designator as issuing body, you then
should record an Explanation of Relationship (32.2), in MARC in a 500 note.


I know this sounds like convoluted reasoning (again!) but I think that it is
important that we remember that we have never been allowed to guess a
publisher, so if we don't *know* and cannot find out for *certain* who the
publisher is, we should just happily admit it: [publisher not identified];
we should not guess that a distributer is also the publisher, or that a
printer is also the publisher, or that the author is also the publisher-just
enter them as they are stated and leave it at that.



-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  

Deborah Fritz

TMQ, Inc.

 <mailto:debo...@marcofquality.com> debo...@marcofquality.com

 <http://www.marcofquality.com> www.marcofquality.com


From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of McDonald, Stephen
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Use of brackets in RDA records


If you are following the instructions under to determine that the
publisher is also the creator, and the publisher name comes from the
resource itself in accordance with 19.1.1, I don't believe that you need
square brackets.


Steve McDonald



From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access [
On Behalf Of Crum, Cathy (KDLA)
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: [RDA-L] Use of brackets in RDA records


Hi all,


I have a question concerning the use of brackets and supplied information in
RDA records.  I know that according to RDA 2.2.4, if you take information
from outside the resource, you can enclose that information in square
brackets, but what if the information is on the resource but is used for
another RDA element?


We catalog numerous publications from state government agencies in which we
only have a statement of responsibility in the imprint area, but not
publication information.  In these cases, we might use the statement of
responsibility to supply the publication information if we judge that the
agency could also be considered the publisher of the resource.  Would we
bracket this information in the 264 because it is supplied even though it
does not come from outside the resource? 


I know that this is similar to the situation of using of the copyright date
to supply the publication date, but I would still like to hear thoughts on
this topic.





Cathy Crum

Cataloging Supervisor

State Library Services

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

(502) 564-8300, ext. 227

 <mailto:cathy.c...@ky.gov> cathy.c...@ky.gov



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