Meanwhile, why not follow the guidelines in the LCRI to chapter 2 of AACR2
on formal notes:
And also consult a book entitled: Notes for catalogers
Formal Contents Note
Transcribe a formal contents note as follows:
1)  use the appropriate value in indicator 1 of the MARC 21 505 field
(Formatted Contents Note) to indicate the character of the note, e.g.,
"Contents:"; "Incomplete contents:"; "Partial contents:";
2) Record the title proper that appears in the table of contents, unless
another source gives a more authoritative account of the data; however, if
the title appears on the title page, normally use the title page title;
give other title information only when the title proper would be
meaningless without it.
3)  Include a first statement of responsibility (cf.
if it differs in fact from the statement included in the title and
statement of responsibility or edition areas; omit names according to
4)  Omit introductions already included in the body of the entry; generally
omit prefatory and similar matter.
5)  For publications in one volume
   a)  omit chapter and section numbering;
   b)  if the extent of the part being listed occupies a disproportionately
large portion of the publication, include the extent within parentheses
after the title (or after the title and statement of responsibility);
record an unnumbered page or leaf within brackets;
   c)  separate the items with a space-dash-space.
6)  For publications in two or more volumes
   a)  give the volume designation that is found on the item, except use
appendix B abbreviations for the terms and substitute arabic numerals for
roman; if there is no abbreviation for the term, give only the number if
the term is long; if the roman numeral is required for clarity, retain it;
separate the volume designation from the title by a period-space;
   b)  if the number of physical volumes differs from the number of
bibliographic volumes, include the number of physical volumes within
parentheses after the title (or after the title and statement of
   c)  if the volumes are of different editions (cf. LCRI
include within parentheses edition statements and dates of publication,
distribution, etc., after the title (or title and statement of
   d)  separate each volume with a space-dash-space; if the set is
incomplete, put the space-dash-space before each title (other than the
first) that is being recorded and leave four spaces for the missing volume;
if two or more titles are being transcribed for one volume, apply the
punctuation conventions from
that the titles by the same person, body, etc., are separated by a
space-semicolon-space and titles by different persons, bodies, etc., are
separated by a period-space.
When some of the volumes in a multipart publication have their own titles
and some of the volumes do not and it is decided to make a formal contents
note, use the statement "[without special title]" to represent the untitled

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:19 AM, JOHN C ATTIG <> wrote:

> A contents note is a structured description of a relationship: a listing
> of the parts of the resource being described.  It therefore falls under
> Section 8 of RDA (Chapters 24-28).
> There are no instructions in RDA Chapters 24-28 on how to construct a
> structured description of a relationship.  However, there are examples of
> contents notes (look for the relationship designator "contains") in both
> Chapters 25 (works) and 27 (manifestations).
> An ALA Task Force has been working on the issue of the "missing"
> instructions for structured descriptions.  They will be submitting a
> discussion paper for consideration at the November 2013 meeting of the
> Joint Steering Committee.  That paper should be posted on or shortly after
> Monday, August 5.
> John Attig
> former ALA Representative to the JSC
> Penn State University
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Don Charuk" <>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:35:49 AM
> *Subject: *[RDA-L] Content notes
> We are trying to find the specific rule that provides instruction on how
> to record chapter headings as part of a 505 note. (Cataloguers want/demand
> specific rule numbers) We are certain it does not fall under Chapters 25,
> 26 and 27. We are to presume it comes under rule 7.10. but, this rule seems
> to address notes code in the 520 tag.
> Thank you
> Don Charuk
> Cataloguer
> Toronto Public Library

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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